Introducing nexacro.DomParser Object
Create the XML string as the DOMDocument object. You can use it when you receive XML data and need to represent it in a different format.
Connecting XML Format Open API & Displaying in Grid Component
It displays weather information for 5 days in the selected city using Open API that provides weather information for each city.
Weather Open API utilized information provided by openweathermap.
For data format and other details, please refer to the link below.
If you select the desired item from the list of preset city codes, then weather information for 5 days after the current time will be displayed. Depending on the selected country, it displays the weather condition description as a tooltip in Korean, Japanese, and English.
Core features used in the example
- onreadystatechange
Sets the callback function to process the result according to the response status of the call requested by the XMLHttpRequest object. In the example, the weather API address is called and the XML value received is processed in the nexacro.DomParser object.
- parseFromString
Converts the XML string into the DOMDocument object. The properties or methods of the object can vary depending on the execution environment. The example below uses the function checked in NRE and Chrome.
How to implement an example
Place the Grid component on the screen.
Add the Dataset object to bind with the first Grid component.
Set the data in the Dataset object as follows.
Available city information can be found at the link below.
Bind the Dataset object to the first Grid component.
Run Grid Contents Editor and delete 2 columns, which are locale and lang.
The corresponding column data is used only when calling the API.
Add the Dataset object to bind with the second Grid component.
Set only the column information in the Dataset object as shown below.
Data is added during processing after the API call.
Bind the Dataset object to the second Grid component.
Run Grid Contents Editor.
Set the displaytype property value to "number" for the 3 columns of temperature, pressure, humidity, and set the displaytype property value to "imagecontrol" for the icon column, "bind:status" for the tooltiptext property value, and "fixaspectratio" for the imagestretch property value.
Write the script that calls API when the first Grid is clicked.
this.Grid01_oncellclick = function(obj:nexacro.Grid,e:nexacro.GridClickEventInfo) { var id = this.Dataset01.getColumn(e.row, 2); var lang = this.Dataset01.getColumn(e.row, 4); this.fn_getWeatherInfo(id, lang); };
Write the function that calls API by receiving the ID value as follows.
If you do not specify the value for the mode property, then data is received in JSON format. Since the example processes XML data, set the value of the mode property to "xml". If you set the lang property, then you can get data values in that language.
var appid = "[app id]"; this.fn_getWeatherInfo = function(id, lang) { var objXhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); objXhr.onreadystatechange = this.XHR_onreadystatechange;"POST", ""+appid+"&id="+id+"&lang="+lang); objXhr.send(); };
API KEY (appid) can be obtained after signing up as a member.
Write the function that processes the response after calling the API as follows.
var that = this; this.XHR_onreadystatechange = function() { if(this.readyState == 4) { that.fn_setData(this.responseText); } }
To call the function to process data, specify and use this (Form) variable as the global variable. Inside the function below, this indicates the XMLHttpRequest object.
Write the function to add data to the Dataset object to display weather information as follows.
Use the parseFromString method of the DomParser object to convert the XML body transmitted in the form of the character string into the object form, and access the necessary data.
this.fn_setData = function(strXML) { var domDoc; var objDom = new nexacro.DomParser(); domDoc = objDom.parseFromString(strXML); var timezone = domDoc.getElementsByTagName("timezone")[0].childNodes[0] timezone =; var domElement = domDoc.getElementsByTagName("forecast")[0].childNodes; var domCnt = domElement.length; var msg=""; this.Dataset00.enableevent = false; this.Dataset00.clearData(); for(var i=0;i<domCnt;i++) { var rIdx = this.Dataset00.addRow(); var domElement = domDoc.getElementsByTagName("forecast")[0].childNodes[i]; this.Dataset00.setColumn(rIdx, 0, this.fn_localDate(domElement.getAttribute("to"), timezone)); // to date this.Dataset00.setColumn(rIdx, 1, domElement.getElementsByTagName("symbol")[0].getAttribute("name")); // status this.Dataset00.setColumn(rIdx, 2, domElement.getElementsByTagName("temperature")[0].getAttribute("value")); // temperature this.Dataset00.setColumn(rIdx, 3, domElement.getElementsByTagName("pressure")[0].getAttribute("value")); // pressure this.Dataset00.setColumn(rIdx, 4, domElement.getElementsByTagName("humidity")[0].getAttribute("value")); // humidity this.Dataset00.setColumn(rIdx, 5, ""+domElement.getElementsByTagName("symbol")[0].getAttribute("var")+".png"); } this.Dataset00.enableevent = true; this.Grid00.scrollTo(0,0); };
Write the function to process date values.
The API throws the date value based on UTC. The time needs to be adjusted according to the time zone of the selected city.
this.fn_localDate = function(strDate, timezone) { var d = new nexacro.Date(strDate); d.addSeconds(Number(timezone)); var year = d.getFullYear().toString().padStart(4, "0"); var month = (d.getMonth()+1).toString().padStart(2, "0"); var day = d.getDate().toString().padStart(2, "0"); var hour = d.getHours().toString().padStart(2, "0"); var minute = d.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, "0"); return year+"/"+month+"/"+day+" "+hour+":"+minute; }
Run it with QuickView (Ctrl + F6) and check if the weather information is displayed when selecting a city.